Senin, 23 September 2013

SAP Announces Recent Technological Innovations to Deploying SAP Forum

Some of the latest SAP technology innovations introduced at this time, a combination of core business and analytic applications from SAP powerful to help companies improve customer experience, empower employees, and business partners in executing business strategies and strengthen the network. The most innovative solution from SAP is SAP HANA. This solution is able to reach 25 vertical industries and driven by leading industry leader in the field of "real-time business". The following are some of the latest technological innovations from SAP introduced include: SAP Business Suite Business applications powered by SAP HANA, it has been integrated and includes analysis of transaction data in real-time on a single platform in memory. SAP Business Suite can be run in real-time while doing transactions, analysis, and provide instant and proactive prediction in an uncertain situation. SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud Services provides a "Time-to-Value" prompt. This service also provide cloud-based offerings designed to provide a new option for organizations to gain immediate benefits from innovation SAP HANA, in-memory platform next generation. SAP Fiori SAP Fiori is a collection of applications that are simple, easy to use, and provides an intuitive experience for users to use SAP software functions are widely and continuously, in all types of devices.

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35th Anniversary, BPPT Degree Exhibition of Domestic Technology Innovation

The products on display to celebrate the 35th anniversary of BPPT and the National Technology Day of Resurrection , is the result of work of the nation .In this exhibition , BPPT will display reader ( card reader ) e KTP and demo props elections electronically ( e voting ) , and Digital TV . In addition BPPT will also feature three types of direct non- crew Aircraft ( UAV ) from the type Sriti , Wulung and Alap - Alap . Not only that , the exhibition will also feature a variety of health products and cosmetics that herbal medicines such as anti-aging creams made from herbs . Then in terms of diversification will also display the processed crop sorghum , sorghum flour until either the processed food that will be served and can be tried at the venue . In the case of natural disaster preparedness , BPPT featuring a food emergency could be a solution when disaster strikes . Is BiskuNeo , a biscuit that has been engineered with the composition of the food that is able to provide durability for disaster victims who consume them .As a manifestation of willingness to face fuel oil ( BBM ) is dwindling , BPPT also displays a variety of alternative energy engineering technology , including; product biodiesel , geothermal power plants , photovoltaic , and other engineering technologies . The series of events this time Technology Exhibition , aims to disseminate the results of engineering technology as well as a form BPPT BPPT as a public institution .

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